I've been asked to do a monthly DJ residency in the lobby of the Ace Hotel over the remainder of the year.
Next few dates as follows:
October 9th
November 13th
December 11th
As a preview to the sort of things i'll be playing, i've pulled together a mix. It's a wintery selection of field recorded storms, frozen lakes and high seas to sit alongside processed vocals and cello.
There's a fair bit of my own material, some from a forthcoming release, mixed in with some with tracks from others. Wrap up well...

New release
I'm pleased to announce that i have a new album out on UK based record label Touch.
Over the last 12 months, the Greater London Authority has granted me unrestricted access to The Millennium Mills, a vast and decaying derelict mill site in London's docklands. The mills were decommissioned over 30 years ago and have since been left to decay and decompose, while all around it has been the focus of extensive urban regeneration. The building has long been a personal fascination for me, not only because of the field recording opportunities that such an epic scale of crumbling industrial architecture offers, but also as it stands as such an emotive statement on decay and regeneration in society.
The project focuses on taking a series of field recordings within the mills, then using these recordings in post-composition to create a series of sound pieces. Traditional air mics were used, alongside more experimental recording techniques and equipment such as contact mics, geophones and hydrophones. This allowed harmonics, patterns, textures and resonances in the building and structural foundations to be revealed that wouldn't ordinarily be heard by the ear.
In addition to the field recordings, large PA rigs were installed in various locations throughout the mills and vocal harmonies from two collaborators were extensively recorded for later processing. Banks of pure sine tones were also played back within the vast halls and in the process of recording both, a focus was made on using the natural reverb, echos and harmonics of the building. This allowed me to use the spaces and silos as 'instruments' which could be played and tuned live, in harmony with the vocals and sine tones.
The release is available from the Touch website as a digital download and is accompanied with a 17 page booklet of text and photographs, which explores the context and approach in detail.

The quietus
Writer Robert Barry asked me to contribute some thoughts/words/sound for a show he curated to be broadcast on the ever brilliant Resonance FM.
The piece i created is a reflection on his new book The Music of the Future (read it, it's fantastic) and considers the sonic and acoustic landscape of future communal living systems.
You can listen to it here. I'm on near the middle, but the whole thing is very much worth a listen...
I currently have some work being exhibited at the Mile End Pavilion in London. A collaboration with psychogeographer and writer Bradley Garrett, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust.
The piece centres on a series of field recordings taken at Denning Point, a 23 story building in Tower Hamlets, London.
The recordings were used in composition, alongside some spoken word which explores the nature of vertical living and the impact this has on the sonic landscape around us. A preview extract of the piece has been added to my Selected Works page.
The show runs until August.
I was asked by Art Assembly to contribute some thoughts and sound material for a documentary about Sheffield on Resonance FM.
My birth town has always had a strong influence on my work, particularly in terms of the built environment and the sonic aesthetic that exists in the derelict steel mills around which i grew up.
I discuss how this influence has manifested itself in the work i create today and the creative jump that is made from the activity of field recording into the creation of artistic composition.
Also featuring:
Chris Watson, Oberman Knocks & Adi Newton (Clock DVA, T.A.G.C.)
sheffield sonics
Millennium mills - press reviews
Thought i'd post a few reviews of my recent Millennium Mills release on Touch. Reception has been fantastic and i'd like to thank all those who have taken the time to review it.
There was a great review in The Wire (pictured left, buy a copy!) some other highlights in the links below:
Caught by the river - Kate Carr
Ahead of my upcoming release on Touch next month, Robert Barry from theQuietus interviewed me about my work and process.
Robert captured the project and my approach beautifully and i'm really grateful for his time and patience in pulling this together.
You can read the interview here:
The new album will be out on Touch next month!